June 2017
” Market Report “
Re. Cumin seeds
Harvesting of new crop has finished , the crop is big and Syria still has the lowest source of cumin price .Heavy demands are coming into Syria ,
price has increased sharply although there is plenty of cargo but there is also pressure from exporters to cover their purchase orders .
Major Roads are less disturbed by conflicts, but electricity shortage has put many difficulties, all ports are working fine, and containers are exported smoothly.
The government regulations of no change, but the volatile of local currency makes the prices changed .
Re. Anise seeds :
The new crop is small and less than before , as the planted areas of new crop are less than last year ,but no accurate estimation ,it will be clear in harvesting time in July, the stock are still there in moderate and low level .
Market is slow , demands are moderate, prices are still the same .
Re. Coriander seeds:
Carry over is still available ,demands are weak , the planted areas of new crop are less than before .
Re. Nigella seeds :
Market is very quiet and slow , demands are lower than offers, prices came down , new crop is good .