“Market Report”
Re. Cumin seeds:
The market stays at the high level since last two weeks, with any dip there is a demand, no doubt now that there is a big shortage in crop of this year,
Demands are medium strong, but mainly from exporters to Arabic countries before Haj season, beside exporters to Europe, and also there is still demand from local traders,
Price trend now medium bullish for medium term, especially with difficulties to secure good quantity, as well as because the demand still ongoing,
Internationally; Indian cumin is stoned at it’s level, after the recent increase because of Chinese demands, also effected by the higher price of Syrian crop, and Rupee currency appreciation,
Turkish cumin price increased due to news of shortage in new crop of this year, and carry over was very limited now,
New crop Quality this year is of good green color, but cleaning is taking longer time, because of the character of the impurity, and because of lack of fuel because of the sanctions,
Logistically; Some roads are disturbed by war especially in north western part from Syria, and government export regulations with no change, and Syrian pound now is stable, petrol shortage is hitting hard the cost of processing and transportation, which reflected in increase in cost price, ports are working fine.
Re. Anise seeds :
Market is stable with firm note, crop was delayed this year, but now it’s all harvested,
demand is there for prompt shipment of new crop, while offers of good quality not easy to find, as last year carry over is small,
Prices of good quality are getting slowly higher , while for dark quality it’s lower,
For Medium term, the price has limited chance to go down, but has an opportunity to go up, if demand will accelerate,
Internationally; Turkish Anise crop quantity is small, and prices are still in the high side,
Spanish Anise, they have finished harvesting, and prices should be updated,
Quality this year if good green quality, coriander still at high level,
Re. Coriander seeds:
Market is stable and strong, not showing weakness,
Demands are there for export and especially from Arabic countries,
Price is stable with bullish note for medium term, and any demand sparks the market, if the news of eastern Europe will continue in the negative side for new crop development, beside that locally quantities of old crops left are hold in a strong few hands, effected by local speculation and the news of the this year crop is a small crop,
International market is stable, and more confirmation of less quantity available in eastern Europe, and prices from India are stable, while there was only 60-70% crop this year of last year crop, which was also smaller, carry over was still there,
Quality this year is good quality, we have seen some green Yellow with higher price of 100$,-/t ,
RE. Nigella seeds :
Market is strong, demands are there from Asia to Europe,
Offers and demands are both strong, still Syrian price is attractive than other origins, and local speculators have bought good quantity and they are holding expecting more increase in the price, depending on that this year, crop was a small crop,
Price went up due to the demand but highly volatile.