“Market Report”
Re. Cumin seeds;
The market continues side away and some cool down, as the currency exchange Is fluctuating heavily.
Demands continues from exporters to Arabic countries, and Europe, and local traders, speculators are calm and sitting on small stocks, as the left quantity in Syria is few, and that will continue as long as demands continues, and the forecast that a few little cargo will stay till the next crop is still far away by 8 months, in addition that carry over of old crop went down to almost to nil,
Price is keep at high level, a little softer from it’s Peak a month ago,
Indian cumin is sideway, mainly because of Rupee currency Depreciation, and china in mute status,
Turkish cumin price is stoned at high level, and carry over was limited now, and new crop was less than usual,
Some roads are less disturbed by war especially in north western part from Syria, because of the war, and government export regulations with no change, and Syrian pound now appreciated today heavily, after a big decrease in the last few days, petrol shortage is hitting hard the economic of the business, which reflected in increase in transportation cost, beside higher cost for cleaning sorting and packing, all ports are working fine.
Re.Anise seeds :
Market is firmer with decrease in good quality,
Demands are there for delayed shipments, while offers of good quality are slow but available, carry over is small,
Prices of good quality is keeping the same stable , while for dark quality it’s lower,
For Medium term, there is forecast that the market will keep the same, unless the shortage of Turkish and Spanish crops confirmed by less offer or prices increase,
Turkish Anise crop quantity is smaller, and prices are still in the high side,
Spanish Anise price stays firm, as smaller crop is estimated,
Re.Coriander seeds:
Market is stable with low activity,
Demands are there for export, but in slower pace, from Arabic countries, beside some to far east,
Price went down and it’s now stable, as the Eastern European coriander is lower, the quantities of old crops left are hold in a strong few hands, effected by local speculation and the demand for export,
International market is stable, and prices from India are stable, while there was only 60-70% crop this year of last year crop, which was also smaller, carry over was still there, but offers of Russian and Ukrainian corianders is effecting the market down,
Re. Nigella seeds :
Market is a little firmer , demands are moderate
As demand picked up recently, still Syrian price is attractive than other origins, and local speculators have a strong appetite for this product, which goes on and off, based on that plantation this year is really limited of small quantity, and
Re. Caraway :
Market is stable, Prices are the same, demand is a small and left quantities are limited too.