06 DECEMBER,2017
Re. Cumin seeds ;
Market is sharply increasing and it is very strong , the locale offers are minimal ,very limited and the good quality is very scarce at the moment , farmers are holding on the left few quantities of cargo also the local traders so ;as the new crop will not be ready before 6 months from now , besides the demands from local speculators & exporters are increasing and making big pressure on cumin prices , the demands are big especially from Asia and Latin America ,
The International market of cumin seeds is occupied these days by the news of the sharp increase of Indian cumin seeds due to new rains coming in Gujarat region and due to a sharp increase in the Indian prices as it is the end of the Indian cumin season .
The other Syrian factor posting the prices to go up is the appreciation of Syrian currency which has appreciated 12% in two days which affected directly on the cost and the price of cumin seeds .
Even the roads are good and the war situation is slowing down but the cost of transportation is increasing because of the appreciation of Syrian currency and there is no change in exporting regulation .
We are expecting that the prices will not go down in the near future Unless the news of the new Indian cumin crop will be available in January and if you reviewed our recent market report in Nov , you can see we were warning about that the market may come up sharply in any moment because of limited quantities available from Syria .
Re.Anise seeds ;
The market is firmer, the demand is moderate with tendency of increase ,the offers are available but the left quantity is limited ,Also the appreciation of Syrian currency is affecting the price of anise to go up , we may see more decrease at the beginning of the year as the new crop will not be available before 7 to 8 months from now.
Re.Nigella seeds ;
Market is a little bit firmer ,local speculators are purchasing nigella seeds at this level , besides the factor of moderate demands and again the appreciation of the Syrian currency we are not expecting the price to go up soon and the stokes in Syria are available but may be we will see some up and down as the prices nowadays are at very attractive level .
Re. Coriander seeds;
Market is quiet ,local offers are limited ,demands are moderate and again the appreciation of Syrian currency is also affecting the price to go up more a little bit ,we do not expect the price to go up in the short term unless there is some news about any change in the international market of coriander.
Re. Laurel leaves ;
The crop is almost finished , the available quality now is lower than before .
Offers are available with competitive price.
Re. Almond ;
Available on demands.
Re. Nigerian Ginger ;
We are pleased to inform you that our sister company Burj Commodities Trading located in Dubai is supplying very good quality at very good prices of Nigerian Ginger old / new crop, if you are interested you can contact Mr. Ali or you can send it directly to the below email.,
Also we are exporting Capers & medical herbs including sage, Melissa (Lemon verbena ),thyme and rosemary .
“As prices are changing sharply on daily basis , these are only indication prices and for firm offers we will communicate directly”.